Linking meetings to Jira issues

Use Case

This use case will outline the benefits and the procedure for linking meetings to Jira issues.

Linking events to Jira issues - Main Illustration Use Case

If you are a Product Manager (PM) in a tech company overseeing a major software release in Jira, you will often encounter the challenge of synchronizing meetings across varied departments. With numerous meetings like scrums, sprint plannings, and sprint review sessions, making sure everyone is aware of the schedule can be a challenge.

Goal - Improve coordination and traceability of team meetings in Jira

Keeping everyone in sync

With various team members using different platforms and channels to stay informed about schedules, people can easily miss a meeting. 

Problem - No integration between Google Calendar and Jira

Moreover, without a centralized way to manage the context of these meetings and the decisions made during them, essential project details can easily be lost, creating problems in project workflows.

For example, it is easier for collaborators to understand the rationale behind a decision made in Jira if they can trace back the meeting that led to that decision. In addition, it becomes much easier to track down the notes from that meeting to provide even more context to the rest of your team. 

Effortless coordination

By seamlessly linking events from Google Calendar to your Jira issues, Connectors for Jira heightens awareness of meeting schedules and enhances synchronization across multiple departments. With team members able to join meetings directly from the app, this streamlines the scheduling process and ensures broader participation.

Beyond this, linking meetings directly to Jira issues provides valuable context and details, allowing a deeper understanding of evolving project issues. Connectors for Jira also enhance traceability by linking the Jira issue with the meeting and the meeting notes, improving decision-making and strategic planning.

Link events to issues screenshot use case

How to do it?

Link events from Google Calendar to Jira issues

Install the free version of Connectors for Jira from the Atlassian Marketplace.
Install Connectors v2
Enable the Google Calendar integration in the configuration page.
Activate Google Calendar
Sign into Google to authorize access.
Connect with Google
Click on the Connectors for Jira button in the Jira issue header menu.
App Button
Click the + button on the right side of the Google Calendar panel.
Link event button
In the window that appears, click on the button "Link from calendar".
Link from calendar
Select the calendar from which you want to link events, then select a highlighted date to display those events.
Select the date
Select the event(s) you want to link to the issue, then click Link.
Select the event

 The selected event(s) will now appear in the Jira issue.

For more details on the process, please see our documentation; 📘 Linking events from a calendar.

About Connectors for Jira

Connectors for Jira is an integration toolkit available on the Atlassian Marketplace. It links Jira to all your favorite tools, delivering seamless connectivity and enhanced collaboration, saving you both time and money. From small teams to global enterprises, Connectors for Jira provides a simple, user-friendly solution for Jira integrations.

Try our free version now and discover how Connectors for Jira can boost your team’s productivity.

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