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Checklist for Jira

Using Checklist for Jira with ScriptRunner Behaviors

Few things in tech are as satisfying as creating automation to handle repeated tasks. Automation can improve accuracy, simplify complex tasks and streamline Jira workflows. ...
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4 benefits of a permission scheme in checklist for jira
Checklist for Jira

Four benefits of permission schemes in Checklist for Jira

Finding inspiration from Jira’s permission scheme, Checklist for Jira is now introducing its own permission system. The Checklist permission scheme gives fine-grained control over most ...
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Checklist for Jira

Building “Definition of Done” and “Acceptance Criteria” lists in JIRA​

In Agile methodologies, specifically Scrum, Definition of Done (DoD) and Acceptance Criteria (AC) lists are very important concepts. They connect what the product owner wants ...
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